Super Seasonal SteamPunk Shooter

A classic steampunk style gun, but with a seasonal twist. Instead of nasty old bullets that cause leakage of the red stuff, or bright green if you’re from Mars or Bognor, this one fires custard pies and snowballs.
Rendered with app specific shaders
Rendered with app specific shaders
Along with a highly detailed mesh (grouped .OBJ for those who like animating such things - not rigged for poser/studio) this model comes with 'starter' textures. Plus there’s a little homage to the classic Airfix kits that Brit's got as pressies in the 70's in the form of a "user manual".
User Instructions
User Instructions
Poser renders (shows the included starter textures) which can be easily replaced with app specific shaders within Studio, Poser, Vue etc.
Starter Textures
Rendered in Poser

Flatulence. An emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.